Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has officially opened GE Australia’s new Queensland headquarters at Springfield, south-west of Brisbane.
Both Bob Sharpless and Maha Sinnathamby were proud to welcome Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to Springfield this morning. Maha Sinnathamby proudly noted that the Springfield area now offers jobs to one third of its current residents, with opportunities to grow as the area develops. With only 18% of Springfield developed to date, there are plenty more opportunities on the drawing board throughout all precincts.
Kane were proud to be such an integral component of the GE Headquarters project, managing the D&C process from the initial design competition throughout construction to project completion, including the integrated GE Fitout. The 6 storey, 15,000m2 commercial office building was delivered ahead of programme and on budget. The building is targeting 5 Star Green Star (as-built) and 4.5 Star NABERS ratings.