Master Builder of the Year | National 2016, 2019 | Victoria 2016, 2017, 2019 | National Excellence in WHS 2023



Business Management System

To ensure that Kane Constructions delivers on its promise to all stakeholders - clients, employees, the community, its service providers, suppliers and subcontractors and its shareholders - the company has developed a Business Management System (“BMS”) that complies with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

The BMS is accessible to all employees via the Internet and is available for inspection and review by clients wishing to conduct due diligence. The BMS provides a framework for the continual review and improvement of Kane’s processes with continuous improvement of the business being a key objective.

The starting point for the BMS is the company’s mission statement which forms the foundation of its quality policy. Policies have been developed in relation to all key areas of the company’s operation setting out Kane’s objectives and aspirations and how they are to be achieved. These are supported by formalised processes, toolkits and pro-forma documentation to ensure that quality, in its widest sense, is delivered.

Kane acknowledges that appropriate policies and processes in relation to quality, OH&S, the environment, industrial relations and training are of fundamental importance in today’s construction industry and essential to the ongoing success of its business.



At Kane we utilise Aconex across all of our projects. Aconex is a web based multi-tenanted collaboration platform that provides a safe and secure repository for information relating to all our projects. Aconex allows Kane and our clients, consultants and subcontractors to access information from anywhere through a secure, controlled and audited environment.

We have also implemented Aconex Field across our projects. Aconex Field is a secure, cloud-based mobile and web application that allows our project teams to efficiently manage the inspection process that occurs as projects enter the completion and handover phases. It captures, distributes and tracks defects and other issues in real time - faster and more accurately than traditional systems. Kane Constructions helped develop this application.


Occupational Health & Safety

The Kane Constructions Occupational Health & Safety Management System is certified to ISO 45001.

Kane is also accredited under the Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme, being the second contractor nationally to receive accreditation when the scheme was first introduced in 2006.

The health and safety of Kane employees and all persons affected by our activities, is a major priority and must be considered during all work performed by or on behalf of the company.

Kane seeks a commitment from all of its employees, service providers, suppliers and subcontractors to work together to achieve this priority.

Kane acknowledges its obligation to comply with relevant Occupational Health & Safety legislation and Codes of Practice to work towards an accident-free workplace.

By establishing measurable objectives and actively maintaining and reviewing the company’s Occupational Health & Safety Management System and thereby ensuring continuous improvement Kane aims to:

  • Eliminate work related injury and illness
  • Make health and safety an integral part of Kane’s everyday work-life
  • Meet our legal responsibilities

Quality Assurance

The Kane Constructions Quality Assurance Management System is certified to ISO 9001.

We are committed to build upon our reputation for delivery of quality construction outcomes and services of all scales and complexity, to the satisfaction of our customers.

To achieve our objective we:

  • Train and develop the skills of our staff to ensure the business is supported by competent and skilled people capable of achieving the objectives of today, and future growth of tomorrow
  • Ensure the Kane Constructions Business Management System is ISO 9001 compliant, is continually reviewed and updated to reflect our business operations, and is implemented for the purposes of meeting or exceeding contract, code, statutory obligations and customer requirements
  • Set targets and measure performance to continually improve our processes

The delivery of quality construction products and services:

  • Is embraced by all employees
  • Is supported by a culture of teamwork
  • Is reliable
  • Will achieve consistent customer satisfaction

Environmental Management System

The Kane Constructions Environmental Management System is certified to ISO 14001.

The company is a member of the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) with a number of employees being GBCA Accredited Professionals.

Kane seeks to minimise environmental impacts, achieve continual improvement and prevent pollution during construction activities. Kane believes its environmental policy will deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to the company and the community.

By promoting an environmentally aware culture and adopting risk management processes in dealing with environmental hazards, our aim is to:

  • Reduce waste and pollution generated from construction activities
  • Avoid and prevent environmental damage
  • Avoid exposure of our employees and the public to environmental health hazards and risks
  • Comply with relevant legislation
  • Protect the natural environment and preserve and conserve culturally valued built heritage