After 125 years of its entrance on College Street, The Australian Museum, Australia’s first museum and one of the nation’s most important scientific research, educational and cultural institutions, is building a new entry on William Street. Kane was awarded the project in January 2015.
The $5.5M transformation includes new glass façade and entry walkway, with ‘Crystal Hall’ function room to the William Street side of the Australian Museum.
Works include demolition, civil, structures, entry ramp, glass façade and miscellaneous fit out works.
The contemporary ‘floating glass’ entry hall designed by Neeson Murcutt Architects was unveiled today by NSW Deputy Premier, the Hon Troy Grant.
“This investment in the Australian Museum will significantly upgrade one of Australia’s most important scientific and educational institutions, improving the State’s cultural assets which are a major component of our visitor economy. This new entrance and expanded gallery space will provide the Australian Museum with an opportunity to attract new domestic and international visitors,” the Hon Mike Baird, Premier of New South Wales, said.