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NEWS | Queensland

Stage 1 of Logan Hospital now complete

12th May, 2022

An exciting milestone was reached at Logan Hospital, with the completion of Stage 1. The $540 million-plus Logan hospital expansion is powering ahead, and Kane Constructions is currently delivering the $19 million maternity refurbishment portion within the existing and operational hospital on Brisbane’s Southside.

A ceremony was held to celebrate the completion of Stage 1, with guests including Linus Power, Member for Logan, Dr Peter Bristow, Chief Executive Officer, Metro South Health, Mick de Brenni MP, Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen and Minister for Public Works and Procurement, David Rutter, Director, Kane Constructions Queensland, Hon Yvette D’Ath MP, Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, and Noelle Cridland, Executive Director, Logan and Beaudesert Health Service.

The Stage 1, Ward 2F consisted the upgrade of the Maternity Inpatient Unit Ward. Works included the demolition of the existing ward and construction of the new unit including single and double bedrooms with ensuites, and dedicated facilities for partners, families and visitors. Since its commencement, 900 mothers and their babies have benefited from the new maternity ward.

This is the first of 12 individual stages to expand the maternity inpatient unit, birthing suites and special care nursery.

Once complete the newly constructed facilities will provide contemporary maternity care for the local community, close to home.

The project is expected to reach Practical Completion in late 2022.

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