Master Builder of the Year | National 2016, 2019 | Victoria 2016, 2017, 2019 | National Excellence in WHS 2023
PROJECTS | Victoria

Deakin University Waurn Ponds Animal Facilities Upgrade




Deakin University Australia


AGB Group
Hagebols Smith & Associates
Rimmington & Associates

In February 2017, Kane were awarded the $1.2M Deakin University Waurn Ponds Animal Facilities Upgrade Project under the Lump Sum contract form.

The scope of works consists of the demolition and upgrade to building LP in compliance with PC2 Aquatic/OGTR and QC2/OGTR requirements.

The project scope includes:

- Upgrade to building LP
- Office extension to the east side of building LP
- New covered walkway connecting buildings LP and LQ
- Upgrade existing aquatic lab and coordinate/supervise the installation of Tecniplast equipment
- External concreting works in building LP
- Minor rectification works to building LP

The works will be carried out in two stages:

Stage 1:
All internal and external works with the exception of the areas associated with the aquatic facility.

Stage 2
Aquatic facility completion. Stage 2 shall commence nine months after completion of the aquatic facility Stage 1 works to allow for the development and transferral of viable fish embryos to the new aquatic tanks.

Kane have a strong working relationship with Deakin University having delivered a range of projects including the $10M Central Precinct Infill and $6M Burwood Campus Carpark Extension. Kane are also currently delivering the $5M Pedestrian Bridge and $1M Fire Main Upgrade.

The Waurn Ponds Animal Facilities Upgrade Project will reach Practical Completion in May 2018.