Master Builder of the Year | National 2016, 2019 | Victoria 2016, 2017, 2019 | National Excellence in WHS 2023
PROJECTS | Queensland

Mater Hospital Potter Building Level 2 Refurbishment






Mater Health Services


Conrad Gargett Architecture
Norman Disney & Young

Kane were engaged under a Design and Construct contract by Mater Health Services to complete the refurbishment and fit-out works to Level 2 of the Mater Potter Building, Education Facility in South Brisbane.

The Potter Building fit-out is an addition to the existing Mater Education Facility on Level 2. The works included fit-out of a simulated ward, simulated pathology, Problem Based Learning (PBL) rooms, office and reception areas, amenities, communications room and common areas. The works were delivered in two stages, which were driven by the requirement of an early handover of the simulation ward facility. This separable portion was handed over and operational for the commencement of the students first term.

To meet the fast-tracked program, Kane ensured that the works progressed during the Christmas shutdown period. Detailed planning was required to meet the clients ‘RISC’ form (notification of disruption) approval process. When necessary, some activities such as services shutdowns and cut-overs were completed out-of-hours to mitigate the disruptive effects to stakeholders.

Working in and around live health facilities requires careful planning and coordination. Weekly meetings and open channels of communication between all parties ensured a streamline flow of information. The project team successfully forecast the disruptive works and communicated these activities with the client effectively. This key communication process provided a smooth delivery of all works.