Master Builder of the Year | National 2016, 2019 | Victoria 2016, 2017, 2019 | National Excellence in WHS 2023
PROJECTS | New South Wales

Mt Druitt Hospital Redevelopment







Department of Health Infrastructure


Appian Projects Pty Ltd

The MDH Redevelopment project involved work across a number of user group areas including:

CSSD - Expansion of the current CSSD facility to cater for increased capacity including the co-ordination and installation of specialist sterilizing equipment

Medical Imaging - Refurbishment of key rooms to facilitate improved delivery of medical imaging procedures

UCC and Main Entry - Construction of a new main entry to the MDH and extensive refurbishment of the current UCC facilities within a live environment. Works were completed in stages to maintain public services throughout the course of the project. Part of the works included the construction of a new ambulance bay to the emergency entrance.

Oral Health - Extension and refurbishment works to the current Oral Health Facility providing increased capacity by way of the completion of eight(8) specialist dental surgeries and increased administration and patient support areas. Courtyard landscaping and internal refurbishment works were completed in order to improve the overall delivery of services from the User Group.

Sub Acute - Extension and refurbishment of the current sub acute facility to greatly improve the delivery of services. The main extension works included the provision of ten additional beds, a large gymnasium area, patient lounge areas and staff facilities. Areas of the existing facility were also refurbished to improve the current facilities for staff.

This project reached practical completion in January 2015.