Master Builder of the Year | National 2016, 2019 | Victoria 2016, 2017, 2019 | National Excellence in WHS 2023
PROJECTS | Victoria

University of Melbourne Western Edge Biosciences Stage 1 - Early Works (WEBS)






The University of Melbourne


Donald Cant Watts Corke
Normany Disney & Young
McKenzie Group Consulting

In January 2017, Kane was engaged by The University of Melbourne (UoM) to deliver the early works for the Western Edge Biosciences Project.

The scope included the demolition of the existing four-level UoM Building 142 Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences Building, extensive services diversion and excavation and retention systems for the new Western Edge Biosciences Stage 1 Building.

The University of Melbourne remained operational and continued to service its staff and students during the construction period.

The occupants of the FVAS Building were progressively relocated to new permanent locations within the University campus, with full relocations being completed in April 2017.

Kane has a strong working relationship with The University of Melbourne has delivered a range of projects including the $66M University of Melbourne Arts West Redevelopment. Kane was recently awarded the subsequent $59M Main Works package for this project.

The early works were completed in the fourth quarter of 2017.